What is your given name?\n<<textinput $nname>>\n[[Next|nname_get]]
Normal Things Boys Think About
"<<$nname>>-san...!"\n\n"Eh? Kyaa!!"\n\nIn an attempt to change the fluorescent lights of the clubroom, I was standing on a stepladder when Yagyuu suddenly called out to me loudly. I was surprised and lost my balance. \n\n"Be careful!"\n\nSaying that, Yagyuu quickly went to catch me, his hands steadying my hips. \n\nThe two of us sighed in relief. \n\n"I apologize for suddenly calling out to you and surprising you. However, if you would allow me, I shall be the one to change the lights."\n\nEh? Somehow...Yagyuu's not mad?\n\nThe mood felt different from usual, like it was tense and prickly. I felt a bit uncomfortable. \n\n"Thanks. But, I can at least change the lights."\n\nWas what I said but...\n\n"No...it's not that, rather..."\n\nYagyuu put in, his voice trailing off for some reason, and averting his gaze. \n\n"It's not what?"\n\n"What I'm saying is, when you stand on the stepladder with such a short skirt, it's difficult to find some other place to look at..."\n\n...eh...?\n\n"C-C-C-Could it be you could see it!?"\n\nEven though the warning came too late, I pulled my skirt down and crouched down. \n\n"It's not to say I was looking. Just that, the most I saw was part of your legs and..."\n\nWhile saying that, Yagyuu's face slowly became tinged with red before becoming flushed completely. \n\n"I can't bear thinking about what would have happened if some other person entered instead of me. ...that sort of thing...I don't want you showing it to other people."\n\nAt his words, as if catching on Yagyuu's embarrassment, I blushed as well. \n\n"I...I'll be careful..."\n\nEmbarrassed, I looked down while saying that.\n\n"It would do me well if you did that."\n\nYagyuu said that without looking at me. He turned his gaze away and looked in another direction. \n\n"I'm sorry for surprising you, Yagyuu..."\n\nI sat down on the stepladder. I gently took the hand Yagyuu offered me.\n\n"Likewise, for saying such strange things earlier."\n\nWhile our gazes caught each other, the door opened and Yanagi and Akaya walked in. \nFlustered, Yagyuu and I quickly distanced ourselves at their arrival. \n\n"Otsukaresama!"\n\nI put on a strained and awkward smile while greeting them. Yanagi noticed the lights that I changed. \n\n"<<$nname>>, you changed them?"\n\n"Y-Yeah..."\n\n"Sorry for that. I knew they needed to be replaced, but I just kept putting it off."\n\n"Eh? <<$nname>>-senpai changed the lights? Using that stepladder? Ehhh! If that's the case, if you look down from below, you'll have a really good view of her underwear, huh! I could have seen it!!"\n\n"Kirihara-kun!!"\n\nAt Akaya's words, Yagyuu unintentionally yelled.\n\nEh? Eh?\n...so I guess, Yagyuu could really see them!?\n\nThough he said he didn't see, and Yagyuu is a gentleman, but actually...actually...\n\nWithout bothering to continue that line of thought, I flushed bright red to my ears. \n\nHow embarrassing!!!\n\n"Kirihara-kun, the word we use for people like you is shameless!"\n\n"Shameless? Isn't that a natural thing for boys to think of? Yagyuu-senpai, didn't you also want to see?"\n\n"Wha--!?"\n\n"BAkaya!!"\n\nIn any case, it was a good thing Yagyuu was the one who came in while I was changing the lights. \n\nFor me, I wouldn't want anyone else to see my underwear but Yagyuu...b-but, I don't mean to say I want to show it to him!!\n\nI also vowed to never ever step foot on that stepladder in front of Akaya.\n\nEnd.
What is your family name?\n<<textinput $surname>>\n[[Next|surname_get]]
try {\n version.extensions['textinput'] = { \n major:1, minor:0, revision:0 \n };\n\tmacros['textinput'] = {\n\t\thandler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) {\n\t\t\t\tv = params[0].replace("$","");\n\t\t\t\tvar input= document.createElement('input');\n\t\t\t\tinput.type = "text";\n\t\t\t\td = v+"TextInput";\n\t\t\t\tinput.id = d;\n\t\t\t\tinput.addEventListener('keyup', function()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables[v] = document.getElementById(d).value;\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tplace.appendChild(input);\n\t\t},\t\n\t\tinit: function() { var v; var d;},\n\t};\n} catch(e) {\n throwError(place,"textinput Setup Error: "+e.message); \n}\n\n//https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/tweecode/Rl-OhqTQvb4/qbVIL768WTUJ//\n
translated by Terry-May
So your name is: <<$surname>> <<$nname>>.\n[[Confirm|start]]